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10 Secret Work in IT Sector

If you are preparing a career in IT or are new works in the IT world. There are 10 secrets that are not profitable you should know, the secret is mostly intended for network administrators, IT managers, and professionals destkop support.

the secrets is...

1. IT professionals often use jargon to cover up mistakes

Many IT professionals cover up their mistakes by giving explanations confusing to non-technical managers, because they usually do not have a good understanding of technology. For example to tell a non-technical business manager why a financial application can not run for 3 hours, then IT professionals would probably say "There was a blue screen on the display of SQL that run the financial application" when the real cause is a driver update he applied to the server is not tested first.
2. Some IT professionals develop technology based on the ability to run them

Many IT professionals who select and implement technologies based on ability and how freely they may use or run them, not based on which one is really good and beneficial to the business itself.

For example, a company would prefer to use the Windows operating system because the employee's background ITnya have more ability to use Windows, when using the Linux operating system is a better solution.

3. The IT staff or employees are the biggest obstacles in applying new technologies

One of the biggest obstacles to migrating to a new technology is, no approval of the financial management because of the many costs that must be removed. When they already have something and get used to using existing, they are reluctant to change it, this could be a good thing because their jobs depend on the stability of the existing infrastructure. But they also use it as an excuse not to spend time learning something new.
4. You will spend much time with the old technology compared with implementing something new

The interesting thing about working in IT field is that we'll play a lot with the latest technology available at the moment, but it is not the case in most IT jobs. The truth is that IT professionals typically spend the time to keep and care for pre-existing technology.

5. IT vendors and consultants will admit kehebatanya when the project goes well, otherwise you will be blamed if the project fails to run

Working with consultants ITadalah important part of the job and can be one of the more challenging things. Consultants will hel
IT vendors and consultants will admit kehebatanya when the project goes well, otherwise you will be blamed if the project fails to runp provide a solution for you in working on a project, and when it all goes well then this would be a good cooperation.

But you have to be careful, when something is wrong some of the consultants will assume that you are the cause, and claimed that the solutions they provide are correct and work fine on other companies. Conversely, if the project goes smoothly, they will recognize excellence in solutions that give merke and ignore the great work you did to customize and implement solutions for your company.
6. You will often be asked by colleagues to fix their PC problems at home who are not part of your job

Since you are considered an expert in the field of technology or because you are a network technician, your colleagues will often ask for help in solving problems on their PC at home such as, how to eliminate the virus or to enable a wireless router that stopped working because the lights off.

Some of them will even carry his home PC to your office for diperaiki. If it is a fortune, then you will be paid afterwards, but not the least of those who expect only help you for free. Helping others can be very useful, but you must know when to help and when to reject it.

7. Certificates will not always guarantee a person to become a good employee

Human resources manager at a company is more interested in hiring someone who is certified, because it allows the HR department (Human Resource) for selecting candidates for employment with the existing vacancies.

The certification will open up your career is more extensive, shows that you people are organized, ambitious and have a great desire in expanding your expertise. If you have a certification that match your skills, then it will be added value and sale value for you. But the fact is many corporate leaders who complained to the technicians who were hired based on certifications.

They generally only have the skills and skill in the art but do not know how to manage or deal with problems quickly because they do not have previous work experience. The certificates are actually not the only indicator to measure how well a person can work.
8. You can be the most hated or at least respected by subordinates if you are an IT manager

If you can handle a problem that can extend the working hours of your subordinates, then you can be respected for their boss. But otherwise if you can not handle anything that may hinder the work or extend your hours of work of subordinates, just as suddenly the network connection is down, then they will assume that you are the cause.
9. You will be blamed if something goes wrong on the user's computer silly

Some computer users will spontaneously bestow kemarahanya when frustrated. They could have meluapkanya to you because you are an IT staff by blaming you like "what's wrong at this computer?", "The computer is damaged, why is still installed!" Or "you apain computer? What could turn out this way".

Yet the mistake is due to carelessness or negligence of their own, as it turns out they do not accidentally unplug the mouse with their feet, or even spill their coffee on the computer keyboard.

10. Paid in the IT field is greater than with other professions, but that's why your company can hire you at any time outside of working hours

The need for IT professionals will continue to increase for the company, seriring development of technology in business and public life. Because the payment is large enough for IT professionals, companies often increase your working hours arbitrary, because you are considered a core part of the company.

You could have worked more than 6 hours on the weekend to deploy (deployment) of a software update, or even received a phone call at night to cope with network problems. No compensation was paid during your time well.


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